Keep Your Travels Going With Our Long Clip Passport Clip And Other Accessories!

Traveling is a hobby that so many of us want to get into. It can be the gateway towards new learnings and cultures that you wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise. Others may also find that their travels lead them towards new relationships that they'll cherish for years to come. No matter what your purpose might be, we can all agree that traveling is a soulful event that can leave you wanting more!


If you want to go out in the big wide world by yourself, you’ll have to know what to prepare and how to go about it. You might find that getting everything packed and ready is actually a lot more hassle than it’s made out to be. That’s because you might get sidetracked by thinking about what to pack while not minding how you’re going to get it all fit inside your bags! For all sorts of smaller items and travel documentation, VALUABLETHING has got your back with our Long Clip Passport Holder!


That’s not the only thing we’ve got cooking here as we’ve got a whole load of travel accessories that you can use to make the whole trip easier to manage! We don’t just cater to international travelers, we also have products for those of us who feel more at home in the great outdoors than in the city. Let’s go through some of the products we’ve got here today for all of you!

Travel In Style With Our Handy Travel Products!

Our Handy Long Hand Held Passport Clip!

First, we're kicking things off by returning to our classic long clip passport holder that's meant for all sorts of travel duties! Organized and featuring a large storage capacity, this multi-compartment travel pouch is the perfect partner when stowing away important documents like passports and papers. The textured Oxford fabric is made to be waterproof and scratch resistant. It's also got a knack for being lightweight, ensuring that you won't need to worry about it on your next trip to the airport!


Make sure to check this wonderful long hand held passport clip out when you’re planning for either a domestic or international trip!

Explore With Our VALUABLETHING Backpack!

When you’re out and about, you need somewhere to stash everything you’re going to need. That’s where the VALUABLETHING Backpack comes in with its stylish looks and functional build. This commuter backpack is made with the rigors and needs of everyday commutes and urban living. Its storage space is a perfect fit for devices like iPads, laptops, tablets, umbrellas, and all sorts of things!


One more added feature is its waterproof base, making it a perfect choice for those rainy days ahead. Make sure to grab these backpacks as soon as you can if you’re aching for a bag that’s worth every buck!

Keep Organized With The Three-Fold Washbag!

If you’re going out for a good amount of time, then you’ll need to think about toiletries and how you’re going to freshen up. VALUABLETHING has made a wonderful Three Fold Washbag that fits that exact niche! You can divide up your items between dry and wet, saving you a lot of trouble down the road. The bag can be easily hung up to save some space and keep it away from moist and humid areas.


With its mergeable dividers and its resistant polyester material, you’ll be able to use it anytime and anywhere!

Find The Best Things To Pack For Your Trip With Us!

Here at VALUABLETHING, we’re dedicated to helping you out in life by giving you value in every purchase. You won’t be disappointed when you go out and get one of our specialized travel pouches and bags. Each one is made to keep the hassle to a minimum when you’re packing up for your trips! If you need more suggestions from us, you can check out our travel section for more items that we’ve got available for you!


Need some other ideas for what to get for yourself? Thinking of giving a valuable gift to your close friends? Then you’ll want to stop by our official website and see what VALUALETHING has in store for you!